SQL iRef app for iPhone and iPad
SQL iRef is an application which provides you with information about the concepts with a detailed description.
This application provides you with a wide range of frequently asked questions and answers.
Following are some of the concepts described in this application are,
Basics of SQL
- ACID Properties
- Collation
- Connection Pooling
- Cursors
- Deadlocks
- Delete Vs Truncate Vs Drop
- Replication
- SQL Injection
- SQL PRofiler
- Stored PRocedures
- Triggers
- Transactions
- Try...Catch
- Functions
- View
- Locks
- Errors
Keys & Constraints
- Entity Integrity
- Domain Integrity
- Referential Integrity
- User-Defined Integrity
- Primary Key
- Foreign Key
- Unique Key
- Check
- Not Null
- Candidate Key
- Composite Key
- Inner Join
- Equi Join
- Natural Join
- Cross Join
- Self Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Full Outer Join
- Clustered
- Non Clustered
Normalization & Denormalization
- 1NF
- 2NF
- 3NF
- 4NF
- 5NF
- Denormalization
and also various optimization techniques
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